2025 Events
(Events are listed in ascending date order.)
Note: Please call or visit the venue's web site prior to venturing out for the concert to check for any last minute schedule changes. Especially during the winter season, event changes may arise from inclement weather conditions. Thank you!
3/12/2025 7:30 PM - Trinity Lutheran Church! Join me as I return to the Lenten Concert Series at the lovely Trinity Lutheran Church. I've played here many times! Wonderful folks! Soup and bread dinner at 6 pm. All are welcome! A free will offering will be taken. Spring is on the horizon! See you there! Contact: 1-856-939-4411 Info: www.trinityrunnemede.org Location: 200 E. Clements Bridge Rd. Runnemede, NJ 08078
4/12/2025 7:00 PM - Sacred Bean Coffeehouse Back to the Bean! Please join us at the super cool and super friendly coffeehouse! Great folks that make super great desserts! Thanks Ray! The Bean is an outreach of the United Methodist Church! I share the stage with Barb Bootz. See you there! Info: www.sacredbeancoffeehouse.org Location: 4 Park Place Flanders, NJ 07836
4/26/2025 7:30 PM - Celebrate Earth Day Every Day! Silver Lake Nature Center! Join me in Bucks County for an Earth Day Extravaganza! I return to the wonderful nature center for a full concert with guitars and piano ready to go! Lots of surprises in this show! Bring a friend along as we celebrate this incredible planet that we are all so privileged to call home! Thanks PattiAnn!! Tickets: $15 Advance / $20 Door Info: www.silverlakenaturecenter.org Location: 1306 Bath Rd. Bristol, PA 19007
5/10/2025 TBA - Community Garden Dedication Cultivate Church Open to the public! Join me as I help to celebrate with this wonderful welcoming church their community garden! More details to follow as soon as they become available! Contact: 1-856-429-6633 Info: www.cultivatenj.com Location: 2303 Evesham Rd. Voorhees, NJ 08043.

"The important thing is to feel your music. Really feel it and believe it."
~Ray Charles 

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